MBE Annual Update

Annual Update MBE.png​​​​​

Keeping Your Certification Active: Year 1: annual update. Year 2: annual update. Year 3: recertification

The MBE Certification Period is for three years, but MBEs 
must complete an Annual Update at the end of Year 1 and Year 2
to keep ​their MB​E certification Active. ​

Failure to complete t​he Annual Update could result in the
MBE's Certification becoming Inactive.

To complete your Annual Update, follow these 5 steps:

  1. ​Login to the Wisconsin Supplier Diversity Portal - wisdp.wi.gov
  2. Verif​y and Update Business and Contact Information
  3. Enter Gross Receipts (under Business Information Tab - Add Record)
  4. Enter Work Force (under Other Information Tab - Edit)
  5. Verify and Submit MBE Annual Update Application

Click here to watch our video on: Supplier Diversity Completing an Annual Update

Staff will review Annual Update Applications within 7 business days. If any additional information is needed, the​y will contact the Primary Contact. You will receive an email when their An​nual Update Application has ​been approved.

(Note: A new Approval Letter and Certificate will NOT be issued for Annual Updates as the current certification documents are still valid.​)

When you reach year 3, you will need to recertify your business. Visit our Recertification page on the left side to see more details on this process.​