Our mission is to partner with all the citizens of Wisconsin to grow the economy by promoting quality food, healthy plants and animals, sound use of land and water resources, and a fair marketplace.
Top purchasing categories:
1) Laboratory Equipment
2) Facility Maintenance Equipment
3) IT items
4) Printing
Contact: Ashley K. Lund, Ashleyk.lund@wisconsin.gov

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is a State of Wisconsin agency which provides, or oversees county administration of, programs to assist children and families.
More info: About Us (wisconsin.gov)
Top purchasing categories:
1. Human Services Consulting
2. IT Professional Services
3. Supplemental Staffing Services
4. Domestic Violence Support Services
5. Out-of-Home Care Services
Of these only 2 and 3 are Chapter 16 and can be counted towards our goal. If you are looking for other Chapter 16 services, see flyer.
Upcoming opportunities:
We will be doing multiple large IT RFPs in the next year for our Child Support system.
Wisconsin Child Support Modernization
Contract difficulties:
Most of the things we struggle to find suppliers for are not Chapter 16 services, and cannot be counted towards our goal.
Contact: Sue Handrich-Herr, DCFProcurement@wisconsin.gov

Goals: To protect and promote the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin.
Top purchasing categories:
1. Therapy
2. Translation Services
3. IT Services
4. Transportation
5. Landscaping/Grounds Equipment
Contract difficulties: Nurses and Physicians
Contact: Jesenia Rivera, jesenia.rivera@dhs.wisconsin.gov

Protecting and managing natural resources while supporting the economy and the well-being of our citizenry.
Top purchasing categories:
IT Services
Trucks & Other Vehicles
Maintenance and repairs – land and land improvement
Professional design services
Maintenance and repairs - vehicles
Upcoming opportunities:
Janitorial and cleaning contracts, IT software, and communications/public relations are areas of constant need for the DNR. Additionally, prescribed burns, invasive removal, forestry mowing and spraying are areas we aren’t getting many bids despite a heavy workload.
Contract difficulties:
Heavy equipment
Forestry mowing/invasives removal
Fish food/fingerlings
Digitization services
Contact: Chris Babal, Christopher.babal1@wisconsin.gov

Protect the public, our staff and those in our charge.
Provide opportunities for positive change and success.
Promote, inform and educate others about our programs and successes.
Partner and collaborate with community service providers and other criminal justice entities.
Top purchasing categories:
1. Health Related Services
2. Human Services
3. Insurance And Insurance Services, (All Types)
4. Data Processing, Computer, Programming, And Software Service
5. Foods: Staple Grocery And Grocer’s Miscellaneous Items
Upcoming opportunities:
New solicitation for: HVAC parts and service.
Re-Solicitations: Infectious Waste Services,
Inmate Commissary (Canteen).
Expansion of: Medication Assisted Treatment Services
Contract difficulties:
Behavioral health services, such as Sex Offender Treatment Services, Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services, and Employment Support Services
Contact: DOCPurchasingHelpdesk@wisconsin.gov

Mission: Protect the public and ensure that justice is done.
Vision: With the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and quality, the Wisconsin Department of Justice is a leader in protecting the safety, well-being, and rights of Wisconsinities.
Top purchasing categories:
IT Contractual ServicesComputer Software/Hardware and Associated Services
Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
Criminal Investigation Equipment and Supplies
Protective Equipment
Contract difficulties:
Printing and Delivery of the US Supreme Court Briefs
Materials and Supplies to issue and print the Concealed carry permits
Contact: Roque de Macedo @ demacedoamarantear@doj.state.wi.us,
Chris Finn @ finnch@doj.state.wi.us,
Monette McGuire @ mcguiresa@doj.state.wi.us,
Jodi Gorski @ gorskijl@doj.state.wi.us,
Meredith Cook @ cookm@doj.state.wi.us,
Paul Dehn only for IT @ dehnpe@doj.state.wi.us

Protect the public, our staff and those in our charge.
Provide opportunities for positive change and success.
Promote, inform and educate others about our programs and successes.
Partner and collaborate with community service providers and other criminal justice entities.
Top purchasing categories:
Maintenance & Repairs ‐ IT EquipmentIT Services Private Companies
Professional Services‐General
Housekeeping & Janitorial Services
Maintenance & Repairs – Software
Contract difficulties:
Money Pick Up, (Cash Logistics)
Show Removal, Janitorial, Landscaping,
Car-Killed Deer/Bear Removal, Tower Inspections, Electrical Services, Real Estate Services
Contact: Elizabeth Garland (Purchasing Director), Elizabeth1.garland@dot.wi.gov

Every Child. Every Day.
The Department of Public Instruction is the state agency that advances public education and libraries in Wisconsin. Our mission is to ensure that every child, regardless of zip code, has access to quality public education programs, enrichment opportunities, and special education supports, so that all of our kids can be successful.
Top purchasing categories:
1. Books
2. Speakers
3. Hotels/event locations
4. Professional educational consulting services of all kinds to work with districts and libraries across the State.
5. Facility and maintenance related services in the Janesville and Delavan area.
Upcoming opportunities:
Future potential -local food producers for the potential Local Foods Grant we have applied for
Contract difficulties:
• Gymnasium wooden floor resurface in Delavan.
• Diverse food vendor for small meetings
• Suppliers for custom goods (specialty printing, stickers, embroidered garments, etc.)
• Video Production Services
Contact: contracts@dpi.wi.gov

Our mission is to work on behalf of Wisconsin’s veteran community – veterans, their families and their survivors - in recognition of their service and sacrifice to our state and nation.
Top purchasing categories:
1. Medical Services
2. Medical Supplies & Equipment
3. Facility maintenance services
4. Facility maintenance supplies & equipment
5. Food and dietary supplies/services
Contract difficulties:
Specialized medical services (psychiatry, lab, etc.)
Specialized Medical equipment
Contact: Gina Fernandez, GinaM.Fernandez@dva.wisconsin.gov

DWD efficiently delivers effective and inclusive services to meet Wisconsin's diverse workforce needs, and advocates for the protection and economic advancement of all Wisconsin workers, employers, and job seekers.
Top purchasing categories:
Software, Hardware, IT, consultants, printing
Contact: Luke Steurer, Lukea.steurer@dwd.wisconsin.gov

The mission of the Commission is to enhance representative democracy by ensuring the integrity of Wisconsin’s electoral process through the administration of Wisconsin’s elections laws and the dissemination of information, guidance and services to local election officials, candidates, policymakers, voters and the public, utilizing both staff expertise and technology solutions.
Top purchasing categories:
1. IT Contractors
2. Temporary non-IT Services
3. Software
4. Hardware
5. Printing
Contract difficulties: Temporary non-IT services
Contact: Sharrie Hauge, Sharrie.Hauge@wi.gov

LTSB strives to provide outstanding customer service and information technology services to the Wisconsin Legislature in the most cost-effective manner.
This includes supporting existing technologies, adopting innovative technology solutions, and completing projects that improve the legislative experience.
Top purchasing categories:
Computer Hardware
Software Maintenance
Hardware Maintenance
Computer Software
Contact: Ltsb.admin.team@legis.wisco