WBE Recertification

Recertification WBE

Keeping Your Certification Active. Year 1: Annual Update. Year 2: Annual Update. Year 3: Recertification

The WBE Certification Period is 3 years. To avoid lateness, WBEs must Recertify prior to their Certification Expiration Date. A notification to Recertify will be sent to the Business' Primary Contact during the Quarter in which the Business' WBE Certification is scheduled to expire. ​

If you fail complete ​the WBE Recertification Application, your WBE Certification will become Inactive.

There is a $150 fee for completing a WBE Recertification.


Recertification Process:

Click here to watch our video on: Supplier Diversity: Completing a recertificationTo complete the Recertification Process, WBEs should:

  1. Login to the Wisconsin Supplier Diversity Portal - wisdp.wi.gov​

  2. Verify and Update Business and Contact Information

  3. Upload 4 documents (Note: If 4 documents are not uploaded, the system will generate an error.​):

    1. ​​3 Years of Federal Business Taxes (3 documents).

      1. Be sure to include Ownership Forms/Schedules

        1. i.e. Schedule K-1, Schedule C, Form 1125-E and/or Schedule G

        2. Re​certification Applications cannot be approved without them.

    2. Current Business Financials, i.e. Profit and Loss Statement or Balance Sheet (1 document)

    3. (For Out of State businesses: Upload documentation of Home State WBE Certification.)​​​​

  4. Verify and Submit WBE Recertification Application

  5. Mail $150 via check or money order payable to "Department of Administration". 

Please mail your check to:
WI Supplier Diversity Program

Department of Administration

PO B​ox 7970

Madison, WI  53707-7970​

We do not have ePayment available at this time. 
After Submitting Your Recertification:

  • Supplier Diversity Staff will review your Recertification Application within 30 days and contact the Business' Primary Contact with questions or requests for additional information.

  • You will receive a new​ Approval Letter and W​BE Certificate once your Recertification Application is approved!

  • Complete your Annual Update every year and Recertification after another three years to keep your certification active.