WBE Program Description

Program Description WBE

Interested in our Women Busine​ss Enterprise (WBE) certification? You've come to the right page!

Our WBE Program has​​ 4 major steps:​

1. Eligibility-- Are you eligible for an WBE certification?

2. Certification-- What do you need to do to apply for certification? (There is a $150 fee for application.)

3. Annual Up​date-- Afte​r bec​oming certified, what do I need to do every year to keep my certification active?

4. Recertif​ication-- After three years, how do I r​ecertify? (There is a $150 fee for recertification.)

Visit the pages on the left to find out more information! 


​If you have any questions, send us an email at SupplierDiversity@wi.gov. ​​

Wisconsin Supplier Diversity Program WBE Program History

In 2006, the Wisconsin Legislature enacted a woman-owned business bill that requires the Department of Administration “to develop, maintain, and keep a computer database of businesses in the state that are owned by women." ​​According to the Act, firms wishing to participate in the program must be certified by the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

One of the many benefits of being certified is being listed in the State’s Certified Business Database. This directory provides firms with a broader business reach to corporate buyers, prime contractors and agencies of local, state and federal governments beyond the borders of Wisconsin. Currently there are no diverse spend goals or permissive bid allowances for WBEs.​

Businesses, who are certified as WBE, are at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by a woman or women and serve a useful business function. The WBE Certification Program is governed by §​ 16.285,​ Wis. Stats. and Admin. Code 83​.